"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Today’s Date

A) Individual Being Referred:

Information pertaining to the individual being referred for services to Still waters Professional Counseling Services, Inc. This could also be a self referral.
A1) Name of Referred Individual*
Note: Please list your full name (not nickname) as it is listed on your license, and or other professional documents. Add suffix, ie: Jr., III etc. after last name (if applies)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please list best email to send information, notifications, and/or links for Telehealth services if applicable. NOTE: INPUT PARENT OR GUARDIAN’S EMAIL IF REFERRAL IS A MINOR!
A8) Address – Referred Individual's current physical living location.
A9) Gender
A10) Ethnicity

B) Parent or Legal Guardian Information

Skip this section if referred individual is over the age of 18 and/or does not require a parent or legal guardian. Note: Please list your full name (not nickname) as it is listed on your license, and or other professional documents. Add suffix, ie: Jr., III etc. after last name (if applies)
B1) Name
Note: Please list your full name (not nickname) as it is listed on your license, and or other professional documents. Add suffix, ie: Jr., III etc. after last name (if applies)
Examples: Mother, Father, Foster Parent, Aunt, Grandmother
B4 a) Address
Check and skip address if the same as referred individual.
B4b) Address – Parent or Legal Guardian

C) Emergency Contact Information

Please indicate whom would be best to contact in the case of an emergency.
C1a) Check and skip this section if Emergency Contact is the same as the parent or guardian.
C1b) Name – Emergency Contact

D) Person Making the Referral

D1) Relationship to the referred person:
D2) Name – Person making the referral*

E) Requested Services

If you are unsure or do not know what services are needed select “unknown/unsure”.
E1a) Requested services for referred individual:

F) Siblings and Other Children in the Home

Optional – Please list all children living in the home of the referred individual, particularly if they are also in need of behavioral health services. Please include: Full Name, Birth Date, Gender, and Medicaid/Insurance #
F*) Check those that apply
Optional – Please list all children living in the home of the referred individual, particularly if they are also in need of behavioral health services. Please include: Full Name, Birth Date, Gender, and Medicaid/Insurance #